Customer testimonial

We bought a Robotic Total Station from CIS. We are very happy with the performance of this machine. A few times we have had problems understanding the LM80, Brad was very helpful with tech support, even after business hours. A very good company to work with. We will definitely do business with CIS again.

James Hoover
JED's Construction
Elma, Iowa

Customer testimonial

CIS is an innovative company that works well with our business. The equipment we purchased and service provided has been outstanding. The total station purchased is an integral part of our business. It makes business efficient, as well as cutting cost across the board. Projects are poured correctly, saving man hours and material. Brad immediately had a backup unit in our hands to use when we ran into a problem that needed repair. We appreciate everything that Brad does for our company and recommend his company and service.

Kevin Werimont
(Tri-State Concrete Construction, Dubuque IA)